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Guidelines to buy the right fitness tracker for your needs

Guidelines to buy the right fitness tracker for your needs

The market is flooded with options and models for those of us looking to buy a fitness tracker. While the earlier trackers tracked only steps and sleeping patterns, the newer versions come with features like GPS, heart rate monitors, sensors, and smartphone notifications to keep track of your fitness on a constant basis.
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Benefits of using a fitness tracker to track your fitness

Benefits of using a fitness tracker to track your fitness

Fitness and activity trackers have become quite popular, thanks to the increasing number of people choosing to keep a close watch on their fitness goals and progress. Wearers can track important information like steps taken, sleep, heart rate, calorie intake, pace, and distance traveled, etc. Though some consider them as a needless investment, a fitness tracker offers more than a few benefits for those who already work out regularly or are planning to start working out religiously.
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Easy steps to maintain your exercise equipment at home

Easy steps to maintain your exercise equipment at home

Bringing home exercise equipment to keep up your health and be in shape can be a great idea. However, when it comes to the maintenance of such exercise equipment at home, most users find it difficult. However, these equipment require very little maintenance on a regular basis. Following are some basic steps that can help you keep your exercise machines at home looking good and working well for a long time.
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Huntington’s Disease – Things one should know about!

Huntington’s Disease – Things one should know about!

Huntington’s Disease (HD) is a fatal genetic disorder in which the brain cells of the patient keeps deteriorating with time. It has no known cure and affects a person mentally as well as physically. People with HD, usually start showing symptoms in their prime age, by 30 or 40, but they can also start before that.
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Diet for a fatty liver – What to eat?

Diet for a fatty liver – What to eat?

A fatty liver, whose medical name is steatosis is a term used to describe the buildup of fat in the liver. The allowable percentage of fat in the liver is maximum up to 10 percent. Anything above of this is termed as a fatty liver. Being the second largest organ in the body.
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Ketogenic diet for a fatty liver

Ketogenic diet for a fatty liver

The main objective of a ketogenic diet is to bring the body system into a state of ketosis. Ketosis is a normal metabolic process. The process of burning the stored in the body when the body does not have enough glucose for energy. This results in build-up of acids called ketones in the body.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country